2023 Archie K. Davis Fellows Announced
The Archie K. Davis Fellowships were established in 1987 through a North Caroliniana Society fund created by the Research Triangle Foundation in honor of their retiring Foundation Board Chair and longtime North Caroliniana Society member and Society President Archie K. Davis.
The North Caroliniana Society offers, on a competitive basis, Archie K. Davis Fellowships to assist scholars in gaining access to resources contributing to knowledge of the state’s past. In evaluating proposals, the Society considers the qualifications of applicants; individual need; quantity, quality, and location of sources; length of research stay; plans for publication or other “product”; and, especially, potential of subject to advance among citizens of the state knowledge and understanding of their own history and culture.
Beginning in 2020 the four or five awards will be in the $4,000-$5,000 range to cover travel and subsistence expenses while fellows conduct research in North Caroliniana.
~ July 2023
In April, the North Caroliniana Society announced this year’s recipients of the Archie K. Davis Fellowships. The five scholars will each be awarded a $4,000 stipend.
Since 1988 more than 400 young scholars have received Davis Fellowships. This support has produced numerous articles, monographs, and books about North Carolina. Many of them won coveted awards and contributed to the launching of outstanding academic or independent-scholar careers for their authors. Congratulations to each of these recipients!
The 2023 Archie K. Davis Fellows and topics are:
Antonio Austin
Under the Cloak of Secrecy: Relationships Between the Enslaved and Free Black Populations in Antebellum, North Carolina
Mia Edwards
Masculinity, Physicality and Disability: Shifting Experiences and Ideologies within the Antebellum South, 1800-1861
Ashley N. Gilbert
Revolutionary Crossroads: Taverns in the Southern British Mainland Colonies, 1740-1781
Irene Adair Newman
First in Fight: North Carolina and The White Power Movement in the Late 20th Century
Casey Price
Given to This Land: Mapping Settler Colonialism in Kituwah, 1682-1810