2021 Archie K. Davis Fellows Announced
~ May 2021
In April, the North Caroliniana Society announced this year’s recipients of the Archie K. Davis Fellowships. In keeping with the previously announced change, the four scholars will each be awarded a $5,000 stipend.
This change, a fewer number of fellowships and the larger amount of each stipend, reflects the desire of the Society and the Davis Family to make these awards more supportive of outstanding applicants and more in line with similar awards provided by other organizations.
Since 1988 more than 400 young scholars have received Davis Fellowships. This support has produced numerous articles, monographs, and books about North Carolina. Many of them won coveted awards and contributed to the launching of outstanding academic or independent-scholar careers for their authors. Congratulations to each of these recipients!
The 2021 Archie K. Davis Fellows and topics are:
Georgann Eubanks
“Bearing Witness: Paul Green, Playwright of the People”
Benjamin Holtzman
“Smash the Klan”: Fighting the White Power Movement in the Late Twentieth Century
Noeleen McIlvenna
“Dressed Pork: North Carolina and the Atlantic World Economy”
Barbara Ladd
“Writing in the North of the South: Moses Grandy and Charles W. Chesnutt”